our sectors of activity

International network of experts covering all your needs

Petroleum Refining

We keep continuously monitoring main trends of this sector, both due to the volatility of the raw material price, as well as to the evolution of refining processes and market demand. 
The refining industry has benefited extensively, perhaps more than any other, from applying rigorous models to its operations. We advise on the best options of providers of these advanced services in each case. 

Power Generation

We monitor the effect of the continuous regulatory changes that are taking place. The need to seek solutions to global warming is driving a shift in production from traditional fossil processes to cleaner alternative sources that will dominate the future market.
This situation of change makes it difficult to predict the speed of the process and calculations about which alternative sources will grow more in importance and at what pace. As these are heavily political driven decisions, the solution will not be unique and will vary according to countries and regions. 

Food & Beverages

F&B has a unique role in the expansion of economic opportunities because it is universal for life and human health. It witnesses the continuous change in the pattern of consumption.
The development of the major emerging powers incorporating billions of people to the ability to choose makes them responsible for much of world inflation. The massive use of data and the creation of consum models adds a new dimension to this market.

Consumer Packaged Goods

Lifestyle trends today affect consumer buying decisions, fostering innovation. Quality expectations are constantly increasing, posing new challenges; Packaging has become an essential element of everyday life.
Data analysis is essential to obtain meaningful information about market trends: consumption, end use, sales and distribution channels, high growth areas and ultimately industrial and financial performance.